School Hours

Our school hours are 8.45am – 3.15pm, but we open our gates and classroom doors from 8.30am every morning.

We do expect that all children should be in school by 8.45am.

If children arrive after 8.45am they may miss registration, so they need to be signed in at the front office by an adult. This is so we know they are in school – in case we have an emergency or evacuation and do a roll-call.

In order to keep children safe, children must be collected from their teacher at 3.15pm, from either their classroom or the yard.

We can only let children leave the school gates alone at 3.15pm if they are in Years 5 or 6, and we have signed consent for the child to ‘walk home alone’ (no matter how far they will be walking).

If children have to leave before 3.15pm they will need to be collected from the office by an adult and be signed out, for the same reason.

We keep the gates shut between 8.45am and 3.15pm, and ask everyone to sign in and out at the front office. This is to make sure we know who is on site – both in case we have an emergency or an evacuation and need to do a roll-call, and to safeguard the children.

Total weekly hours 32.5