Primary School Places
In the Autumn Term (September and October) we circulate information about how to apply for a place in a Primary School. This is done via posters in school, our Newsletters, website and Facebook page.
If you are interested in applying for a place in the next September intake to our Reception Class please see the information available on the Lancashire County Council Website, here.
Families of children who are ‘summer born’ are able to defer their child’s school start date. Families wishing to defer their child’s admission until the following school year should complete the County Council’s application form ‘Application for a Lancashire school place for summer born children’ and are encouraged to include any supporting evidence from relevant professionals.
The policy document and a link to the application form are available on the school admissions webpage of the LCC website.
If you need to speak to someone about a school place for your child please contact Lancashire County Council’s Admissions Team on 01524 581112.
If you would like your child to start at our school after the Reception intake – for example, if you are moving house- we do have places available, so please do contact us!
Secondary School Places
In the Autumn Term (September and October) we send home information about how to apply for a place in a Secondary School with all Year 6 children, and publicise it on posters, our Newsletter, website and Facebook.
For information about the schools available, and to apply, please go to the Lancashire County Council Website, here.
If you need to speak to someone about a school place for your child please contact Lancashire County Council’s Admissions Team on 01524 581112.
In Year Admission
Applications for entry to Castle View from another school (known as in-year applications) should be made directly to the school.
Contact details are: 01524 67880 or
Further Information
Castle View Primary Academy follows the Lancashire County Council admissions scheme. Full details of the admission scheme are available on their website here.
When a pupil starts at a new school after the academic year has begun in September it can be a little confusing for them and their parents. To help them to settle in, Castle View Primary Academy works closely with the family during this time.