The Purpose of Governance

To provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.

All boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Our School Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of seven people who represent different aspects of our school life. These include:

  • School Staff
  • The Headteacher
  • Family Members
  • Members of the Wider Community
  • Representatives of the Local Authority, Lancashire County Council

The full Governing Body meets once a term and its role is to ensure the smooth running of the school.

There are two working committees:

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We encourage all the governors to be as involved in the life of the school as they can be. That’s easy for those who work here, but others come in to visit children and staff in the classrooms, and also meet with the Headteacher.

Being a school governor is very rewarding but sometimes quite demanding. Most governors say that what they find most rewarding is knowing that their time and effort has made a real difference to the school. That means that the children have as positive and valuable a time as possible.

It is true that you only have one chance to be a child – we work hard to make it as good as possible for children at Castle View Primary School.

As at September 2020 (Under Review) our Governing Body is made up of:

  • Chair of Governors – Lesley Lewis
  • Vice-Chair of Governors – Carole O’Hare
  • Co-opted Governor – Mr Tim Hamilton-Cox
  • Co-opted Governor – Ms Caroline Jackson
  • Local Authority Governor – Tessa Jackson
  • Headteacher and ex officio Staff Governor – Miss Claire Bright
  • Parent Governor – Mrs Nafisa Patel

Further Information (Under Review)

Our governance details are also available on the DfE’s 'Get Information About Schools' website.

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Contact Us

If you wish to contact our governors about a concern or complaint please see the information about the complaints procedure, on the Policies & Procedures page, including the contact details to use.

Lancashire Schools

Lancashire County Council is looking to recruit people from a diverse range of backgrounds and with a wide range of experience to undertake the key role of a Local Authority School Governor.

School governors have a fundamental role in determining the success of a school. They are volunteers who work together with the head teacher of the school and the local authority to improve outcomes for all pupils and education in local schools.

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Governors are appointed for a term of four years, although there may be differences at individual schools. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Planning for the school’s long-term future
  • Setting the aims and objectives for the school
  • Setting the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitoring the overall performance of the school
  • Allocating and monitoring budgets
  • Making sure that the school provides for all pupils including those with disabilities and special needs
  • Being a source of challenge and support for the Head teacher, and
  • Appointing senior members of staff.

The role would give you the opportunity of using existing skills, and developing new ones and people from as wide a range of backgrounds as possible are invited to apply.

No formal qualifications are required but you must be:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • Keen to make a positive difference to the education of local children
  • Able to get on with other people and work as part of a team
  • Willing to attend regular meetings and to read necessary papers
  • Ready to learn and be open to new ideas
  • Willing to put something into your local community

More Information

Full training and support will be given to make sure people are fully equipped to carry out the role successfully.

Becoming a governor is a great way to contribute to your local community and improve the lives of local children.

If you have an interest in education, schools and young people, there is no reason why you can’t be a governor at a Lancashire school and make a real difference.

To find out more visit or please contact the Lancashire Governor Services Central Team on 01257 516150 or email

Cidari has a highly skilled Board of Trustees, approved by the Department for Education.  The Board of Trustees delegate decision making for certain functions to a Local Governing Committee for each Academy.  In Cidari each Academy has a Local Governing Committee (LGC).  The LGC will continue to ensure that the needs of the Academy are monitored closely.

The structure of Cidari allows for more formalised, collaborative working whilst allowing the individual characteristics, distinctiveness and ethos of each academy to continue.

Cidari has a very small group of Members who are named for legal purposes. Members hold the trust board to account for the effective governance of the trust, the members themselves have a minimal role in the actual running of the trust. It is the trust board, not the members, who are the organisation’s key strategic decision makers. The MAT Board of Trustees has overall responsibility and accountability in law for the performance, site and overall running of the Trust and each of the Academies.

Cidari MAT Members and Trustees