We have high expectations for punctuality and attendance levels for our pupils, and we have policies and procedures in place to support families to achieve this.
Any absence (due to being late or not attending school) affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning. Any pupil’s lateness or absence disrupts teaching routines so may affect the learning of others in the same class. Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is the family’s legal responsibility, and permitting absence from school without a good reason creates an offence in law and may result in prosecution.
Our school details our expectations and procedures in our Attendance Policy (Located on the Policies & Procedures page.) We have adopted Lancashire County Council’s Attendance Policy, which has been written in line with the latest Government guidance.
Families’ attention is also drawn to Lancashire County Council’s guidance about penalty notices.
Children are expected to be in school between 8.45am and 3.15pm, Monday-Friday during term time. Our term dates are available on our Calendar & Term Dates page. Further information is also available on our Access Arrangements page.
Our policy says that if your child is absent you must:
- Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, either by phone (01524 67880) – you can leave an answerphone message or speak to someone in the office.
- Keep school informed if the absence is more than one day.
And if your child is absent we will:
- Telephone you on the first day of absence if we have not heard from you or make a home visit.
- Telephone on subsequent days of absence if we have not been informed that the absence is for more than one day.
- Invite you in to discuss the situation with our family support team and/or headteacher if absences persist.
- Refer the matter to the Local Authority School Attendance Team where appropriate as per Local Authority protocol.
Families who need to take children to appointments which will make them late or absent should make sure a message reaches the school office, to be shared with staff. If a family wants to take a child out of school (for example a religious observance) they should complete a leave request form (available from the office), to request this.