Castle View Extra-Curricular Offer
School isn’t just about academic learning, it is also about exploring their interests via extra-curricular activities that we hold after school.
We have 2 extra-curricular clubs running for the Spring term:
- Monday - Hula Hooping Years 5 and 6 (3.15-4pm)
- Tuesday - Book ClubYear 1 (3.15-3.45pm)
- Wednesday – Football Club Years 3 and 4 (3.15-4.15pm)
- Thursday – Girls Badminton (3.15-4pm)
Local out-of-hours activity and care providers:
- Ridge Community Centre - run a Breakfast Club charged at £0.20p per day, followed by a walking bus to bring children to school.
- Rising Stars Nursery - based next door on Firbank Road, provide two chargeable Breakfast Club options. Call them on 01524 383366 for more details.
- Bay Childminding Network - the local network for childminders. Their contact details are: Bay Childminding Network, Po Box 98, Morecambe, Lancashire, LA3 2AH. Tel: 01524 85 80 66.
- The - a website that allows families to search for local child care providers, including after school clubs, childminders, and nannies.